Monday 28 May 2012

4 months old

Our little Jacob is 4 months old now!

Some 4mth old stats:

His snuffle problem is completely gone since aoutt 3 months old...Yay! He's sleeping a lot better, only waking up twice a night for only around 30 mins and he is still the best settler ever! However, if he has his first wake up before 10pm after having put him down at 6:30/7, then I know it's going to be a bad night- waking every 2 hrs kinda night. But I do appreciate the heads up Jakey. 

At his latest immunisation appointment, he weighed in at 7.62 kgs, measured 60cm in length, and has a head circumference of 42.5cm, which all totals up to this little munchkin:

Let me share some of my favourite Jakey Boy (what Noah likes to call his little brother) photos of this last month...

Earlier this month he was sporting his first little dreadlock. Can you see it? I had to laugh when my friend freaked out and mistook it for a giant mozzie on his head and tried to shoo it away! That's when I knew his little dred had to go.

 He also has a little "fringe." My thumb shows how long it is. We call it his little antenna. And I love how his ears fold up at the bottom...very unique. I call his little ears 'rain catchers' because they fold up as to catch raindrops :)

I love this picture because of how he has his little arm on me and holding me tight...aaaww...and the other looks like his a little koala on a gum tree- the gum tree being me.

What he'd look like if he were his bar mitzvah... not really.

And as the above pic shows, he's into sucking his little fists like crazy! Or anything he can get his little suction on...

OOOps! Too far!

Starting to get chilly, so out come the beanies and one-sies!:

Jakey is a real life cabbage patch doll around here, and doesn't he look so impressed?!:

2 words... Angelina Jolie:

I love how he sports his little "man" (makes Joe feel better about him wearing them) tights...

 .... and by the looks of it, so does he!

My brown eyed boy:

Half rolling:

The twins:

New Bumbo! 

I could post hundreds more pics of you Jakey boy! Just look at you! You're my cutie pie. Happy 4 months! Hope you're loving being apart of our crazy little family, as much as we LOVE YOU! 

Thursday 24 May 2012

Mother's day.

 This year, I didn't really milk it like the last. I still did some cleaning and cooking (urgh!) but got a nice and much needed 1 hr foot rub at the end of the night!

But what I loved about this mother's day most, was that I got my first ever bought present from El. Her school had a mother's day stall selling items between $1-$5 for the kids to pick from and buy for their mums. When I was teaching, the school where I was at also held a mother's day stall with new and hand made items donated form local stores and the community. I remember one of my students (an absolute darling) got his mother a bottle of JLo's perfume and a pretty scarf (see what I mean by darling) for $5 bucks...5!!!
So I gave El $5 and was excited to see what little treasure El might find for me.

I'm happy to report that my little darling chose a beautiful gift for me...

A lovely set of pink tea light candles in two beautiful little candle holders... Loved it! 

She came home home with only $1 change, so she wasn't stingy with her purchase either- unlike my friend's little boy who spent a whopping $1 on her present. :)

I could tell El put a lot of thought into her lovely gift, as she told me she saw lots of things, but she knew I would like this the best. She's so sweet and she's also just like her father! She couldn't wait until the actual day to give it to me, so she made me open it early because she just couldn't wait to see what I thought (that's Joe for sure). So I opened it and she loved seeing my happy reaction and insisted to set them up for me so we could have a lovely candle lit dinner... 

She was very proud of her little purchase. Though I'm 100% sure that if there were a pair of Pyjama jeans for sale at the stall, they would have been her first choice. Since those adds have come out (the pyjama jeans ones) she is constantly telling me "mum you need a pair of pyjama jeans!" or if I'm wearing my jeans, she'll say... "mum, are they pyjama jeans? You should get some pyjama jeans!" Not sure why she things I need them so badly, but I definitely won't be surprised if that's what she gets me next year. 

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Typical boy.

When I pictured what a little boy would be like, I did picture this...

... and this..

Sure, maybe even this (considering his 1/3 scottish back ground)...

I definitely pictured this...

But this...

... Not quite.
(Yes, that is a potty stuck around his neck)

So let me tell you the little story that went with this little predicament.

 It happened while I was feeding Jakey (which is usually the time Noah gets into mischief). He told me he needed to go to the potty, so off he went- only to return saying "can you help me mummy?" I thought "help you go to the potty?" before I actually turned to see what he meant... help him get out of the potty.

After the "Noah! That's disgusting!" feeling, I just couldn't help but laugh- until I realised just how stuck it was- but even then, it was pretty funny. Considering he got it past his head in the first place, I assumed it wouldn't be too difficult to remove it, but it was. Then the tears and panic came.

So when I failed to remove it (at this point I think Noah thought he was going to have a potty head forever), I called the pro of tricky situations... Joe.

However, Joe failed to realise at first how serious the situation was because he suggested "get him to sit on the couch and wait for me, I should be home in an hour" to which I stressed the point that the kid had a toilet seat around his neck! Who on earth would want to sit around for an hour with a toilet seat around their neck? Not me, and not even the little culprit Noah...

So he waited eagerly and nervously outside for daddy to come home and save him. Luckily, daddy took our desperation seriously and was home in 15 mins to save the day. 

Noah was left with a few bruises and grazes around his ears (it was stuck on there good!) and with the "no putting the potty through your head" lesson learnt, I thought to myself "he won't be doing that again". Well, I thought wrong. He did do it again, just the other day. Typical boy.