Thursday 30 May 2013

A post all about Jakey Boy

Jacob, my baby...

 .... is not a baby anymore :( Jacob is now 16 months old! He is cheekier than ever and cute as a button...

Here are all the facts about our Jakey boy:

  • He took his first step a week before his 1st birthday and then on the actual day, he walked around the place non-stop like a pro! 
  • Jacob has the funniest little walk. Imagine a little chimpanzee baby walking... and there you have it... Jakey's walk! He drags his little feet along the floor and waddles from side to side, so darn funny. It's even funnier on the trampoline!
  • He LOVES the trampoline! He has been able to climb up the ladder himself for the last couple of months and loves jumping with his siblings, or all on his own, or sitting on my hip while I do all the work. His special trick is a forward roll. 
  • He can run and loves racing around the house with Noah and waits till I call out "ready, set, GO!" 
  • Jacob loves going to the park. His favourite thing is the slide 

  • He enjoys tagging along to his big brother's soccer class and loves kicking the soccer ball around.  He could do it for ages! Jacob is also pretty good a catching and throwing a ball. 
  • Jacob is so chilled back and likes to wonder around just doing his thing. Sometimes one of us will stop and ask "where's Jakey?" And sure enough, we find him in the toy room just playing. I often think he thinks we're all crazy and he just wants to escape the madness. 
  • The kid hates vegetables! It took a while for Jacob to even want to eat food, he would pick at things we ate here and there but he didn't really start eating proper food until just a month or so before his birthday. He will try everything, but as soon as a veggie is identified in his mouth, it gets spat out! Every. Single. Time. But, he sure does love his fruit! Every. Single. One.

  • Jacob's favourite food is pasta. He also loves eating out and his favourite restaurant (so I've gathered) is Sizzlers... 

...and Fasta pasta...and Hog's breath... and maybe also the Dome (Ok, we eat out a lot on the weekends!)...

  • He loves to hand out boogers (snot). When you ask for one (as you do) he pokes his little finger in his nose and hands it to you like his done you a great service.
  • Jacob has a signature pose. When ever we take a picture he tilts his head to the side smiles and says "cheese..."

  • He nearly has all his teeth come through and had this little gap (as shown in above pic) that looked too small for a tooth to grow in it, and too big for one not to grow in there. Well a week ago, a little tooth sprouted out of that little gap! As suspected, it's a little crooked. But it gives his little smile character. 

  • He is a routine baby. But being the third, he is also very flexible and can go with the flow. He stopped having 2 naps at almost 15 mths (my doing) as it was getting too difficult fitting two in with all the other things going on in our day. So now he has one big nap around noon and bedtime at 6:30pm. He has been a good little sleeper since the day we moved into our current house (at 10mths old) and I don't see his cheeky little face till 6:30 -7:00am the next morning. 
  •  He has Noah and El both wrapped around his little finger. He has learnt that when he says "taaaaaa" (pleeeeeese) nicely to them, and holds his little hand out, and tilts his head, that they will give him what he wants 98 % of the time. For the 2 % of the time that they won't, he gives them the puppy dog eyes which makes them go "awww... ok, Jakey" and Jakey responds with a sudden big grin and a "ta-ta" (thank-you, sucker!).
  • He is affectionate and compassionate. He recognises when someone is sad or upset and always goes out of his way to give them a hug and kiss and make them feel better. He loves El and Noah and enjoys spending time with them.

  • Jakey can be a little "grabby" (Haha, that's the term a creche leader gave it when Jakey goes for a grab and squeeze) to other kids. Sometimes, he tries to kiss and cuddle to say sorry to them, but when it's not well received, he might resort to more intense "grabby" behaviour. 

  • He takes great pleasure in interrupting my workouts and thinks it's so fun to sit on my head or play peek-a-boo under my plank

  • Jacobs favourite TV (he is only just now getting into tv...yay!) is Charlie Bear show. His favourite movie is 'The Croods.' We watched it as a family at the movies and he watched over half of it before he decided he much rather play in the secluded part of the cinema right at the front (where no-one ever sits). Every now and then he'd stop to watch a little more and laugh (as if he was actually getting the humour of it :) ) Since then, when ever he sees any 'Crood' related thing he stretches out his little arms and says: "DA DA DAAAA!" Just like 'Belt'.  
  • He is saying a few words:                          
                     ta (please)

                     ta-ta (thank-you)

                     mum/mumma (this was his first word)




                     chichita (boobie)


                     ow (ouch)

                     cookie (just said earlier in the week, probably cos we baked a few lately)
                     me (for instance, I ask "whose done a stinky poo?!" Jakey will raise his hand and say "ME!")

 That pretty much sums up the little munchkin head. Ah, he's so precious. We love him to bits. And kids, I promise I will never sell him. Not even for a silver coin (little inside joke between me, noah and el)

Wednesday 29 May 2013

367 days later...

Wow. It's been a whole YEAR and 2 days since I wrote my last post. How did I let this happen? I've neglected my poor little blog for too long. This last year has been an absolute crazy, busy, hectic  one for 'La casita Dunbar'.

Let me just recap quickly while I have my little munchkins (one home from school "sick") sitting nicely watching a movie together...

In the last year, we (and when I say "we" I'm really just referring to Joe) renovated nearly an entire house while living in it. We barley survived that huge challenge and almost  applied (not really) to be on the renovating show "The Block" because we knew we could do it (heck, it'd be easy with all the help the contestants get and minus 3 kids!), but we quickly passed that idea when Joe and I  realised we didn't feel like getting a divorce any time soon. :)

We then sold all our furniture and and pretty much everything else except for some clothes and a few special things.We said goodbye to best friends, country life, our puppy, a flea infestation (thanks Paisley) and our beautiful newly renovated home which was completed the night before (yay for our tenant enjoying all our hard work) I boarded a flight with my 3 kids to PERTH (via Bris), while Joe drove with his dad and our things across the county.

We've since moved into a new house in Madeley WA, started a new job, new school, new friends, celebrated 4 birthdays, turned the dreaded 30, gained some weight, lost some weight, had a visit from granny, explored all the lovely things our new home city has to offer, realised how much we'd been missing out on, and in the last 6 months we've enjoyed the most date nights we've EVER had since having children!

So that's pretty much where we're at. A lot has happened in the last 367 days.  There's a lot I wish I would've blogged about, and lots I wish I could completely forget about, but definitely a lot more left to blog about. So stay tuned. This little blogger is back to blogging... as soon as I return from telling the kids to clean up the mess they've made...