Monday, 21 November 2011

A "wee" little update

Ok, so I kept my promise and it's been a while since I've posted anything about poos and wees, so I thought now would be a good time to do a little update on Noah's potty training.

Noah has been doing so well. We've had days where there are NO accidents and then others when there is just one (two the most). He is also now using the big toilet with a cushion seat, and doesn't mind using public toilets so much anymore. In fact, Joe got him ready for church two weeks ago and just put him in a pair of undies... no pull ups! I had no idea until we got to church and realised his bottom looked a little less cushioned than usual. When I realised he was just in undies, I panicked! I had no spare clothes for him and I knew he wasn't a fan of public toilets. But Joe (calm as anything) told me to trust him, and sure enough Noah let us know both times he needed to "wee wee" and there were no accidents. Since then, I've taken him out a few times "commando style" and survived the nervousness.
 Lately, Joe has even taught him how to stand and aim (I'm staying away from that) and has done a super job that Joe is so proud of. I am so amazed at how quickly he has picked it all up.

BUT (don't you hate the 'but') lately we've had a little set back in the poo department. I have no idea what went wrong or why all of a sudden he much prefers to do it ANYWHERE but in the potty. He tells us he needs to go, but then just sits there for a little while, and when nothing happens he gets off. He does this a couple of times and then we find a "little surprise" a little later .Why? Why or why?! He was doing so well and it was the whole reason I started to potty train him in the first place- because he had the poos in the potty part down pat! I'm really hoping that he hasn't seen and copying our dog Paisley (he does like to pretend to be a puppy sometimes or a lot!), because he seems to say "wow wow" (what he calls the dog- as in 'woof, woof') after every time, to which I remind him that yes, that's what "wow wow" does but NOT little boys!  I've also noticed that he has gone from doing one daily poo, to maybe one every two sometimes 3 days. Which makes me believe he is trying to avoid it. Please, oh please, let this be just a short and minor little setback. Baby no. 3 will be here soon and it would be lovely to have this little problem sorted out by then. I have faith in you Noah!

Meanwhile, check out the little wedgies I get to look at all day...

While I'm on the topic of poos, and though this is random and terribly gross, I also thought it was terribly funny, as El always manages to somehow make an odd situation (like the one I'm about to tell you) amusing. Like only she can. 

So on my birthday the kids were playing in the kitchen while I was doing something  terribly important on the computer... fine, I'll admit it, I was checking my Facebook messages. Anyway, El came to stand next to me to see what I was doing and then all of a sudden she says "OH MY GOSH! I just pooped in my pants!" She checked her undies, and sure enough she had done just that. Knowing El, she was probably just trying to do a loud pop-off (which she is famous for around here) but instead, got a little more than that. 
Her horrific and disgusted expression was followed by her dramatic response to the situation, she said "This is the most DISGUSTING day of my life!!!" as she runs off to the bathroom. I just had to laugh. But was was even funnier was what she told me the next day "Mum, remember when I did a little poo in my pants on your birthday?" 'That wasn't your present mum, my dance (a little dance she had performed for me later that day) was your present." Thanks for clearing that up for me El. :)


  1. Elly is Hillarious!!!your passing too many of your tricks onto her lol!
