Sunday 16 June 2013

Date with the boys

I love winter. I love that I can go out for long walks with the boys all while enjoying this beautiful Perth weather (almost as good as a Queensland winter), the scenery and getting a little exercise all at the same time.  This week on our walk, we stumbled across a little place full of fishey's and interesting things to see, do and even better touch! 

 Noah using a microscope. That thing was cool! 

 Jacob LoVeD the fish...

 Giving fishy a kiss..

checking out the badges they made

 We were also lucky to make it into the touch pool and even luckier to get to see and touch little baby sharks that day! However, Noah didn't think that was so great. He was happy to see but not touch the little sharks. Jakey on the other hand, LOVED it! He particularly liked the starfish and splashing his hands in the water and sucking his hands to taste the salty water when I wasn't looking!

I love hanging out with my boys while Elena is at school. They are a great little pair and I feel so sad when I think about Noah going off to kindy next year and not having my buddy home everyday. I know Jakey is going to miss his little partner in crime also. After all, whose milkshakes is he going to steal now...?

Jacob enjoying Noah's milkshake at one of our other outings this week. Noah never got it back.

1 comment:

  1. They are so luck to have such a great mummy that takes them to such cool places. They really seemed to enjoy it xoxo
